Hosting Order Form

Complete the form below for quick and FREE quote to have your website rebuilt and optimized for Page One Placement! Our Agents are standing by!
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- We guarantee that all Clients will be on the First page of at least one major search engine.
- We primarily concentrate on results for Google, Yahoo or Bing, if not all three but at least one of the 3 major search engines.
- If placement is attained within the 90 day period for at least one legitimate search term then there is no eligibility for a refund of any kind and your one year contract will remain binding for the year.
- We do not guarantee you that people will buy from your website or call you to do business with you. That is not something anyone can physically guarantee. But we can certainly make sure that you are visible to them on important searches.
- We will also make recommendations on things to try if your site is on the first page of searches and still not pulling in the traffic you search for.
- A good search engine optimization can put a bad website on page one if all the ingredients are present. And if you have a bad website no one may call or email you. Not getting calls or emails along with page one results is a good way to identify a website that doesn’t do what its supposed to do, which is entice new customers.
- Please understand that if you hire that we will stand behind our work. But we won’t give a client a refund if they have bonafide search engine placement from our efforts. If we provide the search engine results we expect our clients to honor the one year contract with our company.