Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the commitment at BeSearched Inc. (“BeSearched”) to the privacy of visitors to the BeSearched website located at and of its customers (“Subscribers”). Except as required by law or as otherwise provided herein, BeSearched will take commercially reasonable steps to ensure your right to privacy. BeSearched is committed to developing long lasting relationships that are built on trust and would never intentionally violate that trust.
  • Who We Are BeSearched provides cloud-based solutions, including web-hosting, domain name and related products and services, to businesses, individuals, non-profit organizations and others. As part of the The Endurance International Group, Inc. (“Endurance”) corporate family, BeSearched is able to provide a variety and range of products and services to help Subscribers with their technological needs. To learn more about the Endurance corporate family, visit: http://www.enduranceinternational.comThe information that BeSearched collects in connection with the Services is hosted on servers located in the United States (U.S.), unless otherwise provided. By using the Services, you freely and expressly give BeSearched your consent to export your information and data to the U.S.
  • Information We Collect
    • Subscriber Information. Subscribers are asked to provide certain personal information when they sign up for BeSearched services including name, postal address, email address, telephone number, and billing information (such as a credit card number). In addition, to register a domain name, Subscribers are asked to provide this information for the registrant, administrative contact, technical contact and billing contact of the domain name (collectively, “Domain Name Registration Information”), for submission to the appropriate domain registry or registration database. Subscribers may also be asked to complete an online form that collects information about demographics, product usage and preferences, along with other information that will help us improve our products and services.
    • Social Media. BeSearched’s website includes social media features (such as the Facebook “Like” button). These features may collect your IP address and which page you are visiting on our website, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets may be hosted by a third party or directly on BeSearched’s website. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing the feature.
    • Cookies and Tracking Cookies are electronic collections of information stored on a local computer that are used by websites to keep track of visitors and registered users and to relate one computer transaction to a later one, and other methods of uniquely tracking visitors for different purposes. You may set your web browser to notify you when you receive a cookie or change the settings on your web browser to clear or disable cookies. If you decide not to accept cookies, you may not be able to take advantage of all of the features of BeSearched’s website. Additionally, please be aware that if you visit third party websites where you are prompted to log in or that are customizable, you may be required to accept cookies. Cookies do not enable third parties to access any of your personal (e.g., contact) information. However, advertisers and partners may also use their own cookies. BeSearched does not control use of these cookies and is not responsible for information collected through them.BeSearched uses different types of cookies. For example, some cookies are “required cookies” which are necessary for BeSearched’s website to work. In addition, cookies are used to provide BeSearched’s existing Subscribers with the opportunity for continued savings and increased convenience as described in more detail below.
      • Cookies for Improving Our Web Site BeSearched uses “performance cookies” to inform BeSearched of a repeat visit. However, these cookies do not tell BeSearched who a visitor is, the visitor’s name, email address, or passwords.
      • Cookies for Banner Rewards Program. To offer BeSearched Subscribers continued savings, BeSearched uses cookies to help monitor the traffic generated from BeSearched banners and logo buttons displayed on BeSearched Subscribers’ websites.
      • Cookies for Subscriber Account Management. For BeSearched Subscribers, BeSearched uses “functional cookies” to store user names for added convenience. For example, the cookie would contain a piece of identifying information such as a customer ID, username, or session ID that would be used to look up the customer ID. BeSearched offers password-protected, web-based management tools as part of its webhosting packages. By storing a Subscriber’s username in a cookie, the Subscriber will not have to fill out form fields each time he or she manages the account. (The cookie does not store passwords.)
      • Cookies for Advertising. BeSearched may also utilize “advertising cookies” to track referrals from internal and external affiliates, as well as advertising campaigns. BeSearched may also use a third party service provider to send emails that you have agreed to receive. Pixel tags and cookies may be used in those email messages to help BeSearched measure the effectiveness of its advertising and to enable BeSearched to provide more focused marketing communications to you.
    • Customer Surveys. BeSearched may periodically conduct customer surveys. Participation in our customer surveys is voluntary. However, we encourage Subscribers to participate in these surveys because they provide BeSearched with important information that helps improve the types of services we offer and how we provide them to you. Your personal information, if provided, will remain confidential, even if the survey is conducted by a third party service provider on our behalf.
    • Collection by Linked Websites. BeSearched may provide links to some third party websites as a convenience. Please exercise care when visiting linked websites. The linked websites have separate and independent privacy statements, notices and terms of use which we recommend you read carefully. When you visit or make purchases through these third party sites, you may be asked to provide personal information, such as your name, address, email address, phone number, and credit/debit card information. Please note that in such cases, you are providing information to a third party and BeSearched has no control over such third party’s use of any information you provide and, therefore, BeSearched has no responsibility or liability for the manner in which the third party that operates a linked website may collect, use, disclose, secure or otherwise treat your personal information. Except as provided herein, BeSearched will not provide any of your personal information to any third parties without your consent.
  • Use of Information BeSearched uses information it collects primarily to provide and collect payment for its cloud-based solutions and other services. Passively collected information, such as information collected from or about your device including through the placement or reading of cookies or other tracking technologies is used to provide a customized experience as you use BeSearched’s services.
    • Subscriber Contact/Account Information. The information collected from Subscribers is used to manage each Subscriber’s account (such as for billing and account management purposes) and to promote other products or services that BeSearched believes may be of interest to its Subscribers. BeSearched may also generate non-identifying and aggregate profiles from information that Subscribers provide during registration (such as the total number of Subscribers in a given category, but not their names). As explained in more detail below, BeSearched may in certain instances use this aggregated and non-identifying information to promote advertisements that appear on BeSearched’s website and in connection with its services. Any such aggregated and non-identifying information that BeSearched collects, and any analysis of such information that it produces, is proprietary information of BeSearched.
    • Analytics/Statistics. BeSearched uses information gathered from its website analytics (for example, User IP addresses) to help diagnose problems with BeSearched servers, and to administer and optimize BeSearched’s website. BeSearched also gathers broad demographic information from this data to help improve its website and make your browsing and purchasing experience more responsive, efficient, or enjoyable. Any statistics gathered by BeSearched are proprietary property of BeSearched.
    • Responses to Email Inquiries. When Subscribers send email inquiries to BeSearched, the return email address (and other personal information provided in the inquiry) is used to answer the email inquiry received.
    • Customer Surveys. BeSearched may use the contact information provided in customer surveys to follow up on survey answers. BeSearched may also contact you to highlight the changes BeSearched makes in response to your feedback.
  • Sharing of Information
    • Confidentiality. With the exception of other members of the Endurance corporate family and trusted business partners who work with or on behalf of BeSearched, and are subject to specific confidentiality agreements, BeSearched will not provide or sell to any third party your personal information and will keep all Subscriber information confidential, subject to the following:
    • Service Providers. Upon registration for BeSearched services, certain Subscriber information may be transferred to trusted affiliated or unaffiliated third parties that help BeSearched provide certain services or that provide certain services on BeSearched’s behalf. For example, Subscriber information may be transferred to BeSearched’s affiliated registrar, FastDomain (WHOIS Domain Name Registration Information), or to unaffiliated third parties that help BeSearched provide email services or SSL certifications.
    • Co-marketing Activities. Some services are offered or promoted in conjunction with a BeSearched partner or sponsor. For example, BeSearched may partner with other corporate affiliates of Endurance or with trusted non-affiliated partners for co-promotions of a particular product or service. BeSearched may share certain Subscriber contact information but no billing information with BeSearched’s partner or sponsor in order to provide the relevant services or to run the promotion. If BeSearched shares Subscriber information with partners and sponsors, BeSearched requires that they maintain the Subscriber information in confidence, and use the information solely for purposes of providing the services or carrying out the agreed upon promotion.
    • Online Advertisements. BeSearched does not share personally identifiable information about individual users with advertisers. BeSearched may display online advertisements and share aggregated and non-identifying information about Subscribers collected through the registration process or through online surveys and promotions with certain advertisers. This aggregated and non-identifying information may be used to deliver tailored advertisements. For example, an advertiser may tell BeSearched the audience it wants to reach (e.g., males between 25 and 55 years of age) and provide BeSearched with an advertisement tailored to that audience. Based upon the aggregated and non-identifying information collected by BeSearched, BeSearched may then display the advertisement to the intended audience.
    • Customer Surveys. In addition to sharing survey information with service providers confidentially as described above, BeSearched may share aggregated, non-personally identifying information obtained from customer surveys within the Endurance corporate family or with third parties.
    • Law Enforcement. BeSearched will respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal processes, and will utilize Subscriber information as necessary to establish or exercise BeSearched’s legal rights or defend against legal claims. Additionally, BeSearched will share information to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations or suspected violations of BeSearched’s Terms of Service, or as otherwise required by law.
    • Domain Registration. In certain jurisdictions or pursuant to the rules of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”) or certain registries, Domain Name Registration Information has to be made available and accessible to the public through a “WHOIS” search. The WHOIS database is a publicly accessible database that lists the Domain Name Registration Information for a particular domain name, the name server(s) to which the domain name points, and the domain name’s creation and expiration date. The Domain Name Registration Information you provide is hosted by BeSearched or a third party service provider and is made available to the public through WHOIS searches. BeSearched may deposit your Domain Name Registration Information with a third-party escrow provider to comply with ICANN requirements. At times, Subscribers may receive solicitations that result from searches of the publicly available WHOIS database by other companies or individuals. Any such solicitations or SPAM do not come from BeSearched and BeSearched does not control the use of WHOIS information by third parties.
    • Domain Privacy. When BeSearched is threatened with suit by a third party, or any other legal action is brought to BeSearched’s attention involving BeSearched based on the anonymity of a domain name, BeSearched may seek assurance from you, the customer, concerning your promise to indemnify BeSearched and written confirmation that you have contacted the complainant and made your contact information available to the complainant. Failure to promptly provide these assurances may be considered by BeSearched to be a breach of your agreement with BeSearched and may result in deactivation of your domain name and disclosure of your contact information so that any allegations of infringement or other wrongdoing may be directly resolved between you and the complainant.
  • Your Options
    • Public Forums. Please remember that any information you may disclose or post in forums or other public areas of BeSearched’s website or the Internet, becomes public information. You should exercise caution when deciding to disclose personal information in these public areas. To request removal of your personal information from BeSearched community forums or testimonials, contact BeSearched at In some cases, BeSearched may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case BeSearched will let you know why it is unable to do so.
    • Unsubscribe/Opt-out. When you become a Subscriber of BeSearched, you are automatically subscribed to receive transactional notices about your account, email newsletters and news of special promotions offered through BeSearched and/or in conjunction with BeSearched’s partners.To unsubscribe from BeSearched newsletters and promotional mailings, please update your preferences in your BeSearched control panel or contact BeSearched support. You may also unsubscribe through the links provided in promotional email messages sent by BeSearched or on BeSearched’s behalf.
    • How to Access or Modify Your Information. BeSearched allows you to access, update, and correct inaccuracies in your personal information in BeSearched’s custody and control, subject to certain exceptions prescribed by law. You may request access, updating and corrections of inaccuracies in your personal information BeSearched has in its custody or control by accessing the control panel or by contacting support via email, phone or online chat. BeSearched may request certain personal information for the purposes of verifying the identity of the individual seeking access to their records.To ensure you receive the information you need to manage your account and protect your privacy, please be sure to keep your contact and billing information up to date. You can update all account-related information directly through your control panel. Alternatively, you can contact BeSearched support.
  • Children Under 13 This website is not directed towards children and BeSearched does not seek to collect any personal information from children. If BeSearched becomes aware that personal information from a child under the age of 13 has been collected, BeSearched will use all reasonable efforts to delete such information from its database.
  • Data Security Encryption. When a Subscriber orders from BeSearched, personal data transmissions are encrypted and all of the Subscriber’s personal information is protected. BeSearched uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), the industry standard, for encrypting all personal information, including name, address and credit card numbers.
  • Revisions to this Policy BeSearched reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this Privacy Policy at any time and in any manner. However, if BeSearched plans to materially change how it plans to use previously collected personal information, BeSearched will provide you with advance notice prior to the change becoming effective and an opportunity to opt-out of such differing uses. BeSearched encourages you to periodically review this page for the latest information on its privacy practices.
  • Contact Us Regarding This Policy If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices described herein, you may contact: ATTN: BeSearched LLC Legal Department. 3515 Manchester Rd. Suite A Akron, OH 44319 Fax: 330-798-7971 or E-mail:
  • Applicable to All Reseller Relationships In addition to all of the terms and conditions set forth above, the following terms apply to BeSearched Reseller relationships only.
    • Information Related to Data Collected through Resellers. BeSearched may collect information under the direction of Resellers, and BeSearched has no direct relationship with the individuals whose personal data is provided, processed or obtained by BeSearched’s Resellers. Customers who seek access, or who seek to correct, amend, or delete inaccurate data should direct their query to the Reseller’s data controller. If the Reseller requests that BeSearched remove the data, BeSearched will respond to such request within thirty (30) business days.
    • Choice. If you are a customer of one of BeSearched’s Resellers and would no longer like to be contacted by such Reseller, please contact the Reseller from whom you purchased products or services.
    • Data Retention. BeSearched retains personal data it processes on behalf of BeSearched’s Resellers for as long as needed to provide services under the relationship. BeSearched will retain and use this personal information as necessary to comply with BeSearched’s legal obligations, resolve disputes, and to enforce its agreements.

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